The Arts aren’t a Travel Sport! Or Are They?

Whichever sport your kid is involved with, I’m certain it requires numerous hours of training in preparation for games, showcases, competitions, etc. As parents, our knowledge of the time invested to improve our child’s craft is something we know far too well. I was reminded last night after watching an episode of America’s Got Talent with my family that sports aren’t the only thing today’s youth invests time in to improve their craft. I witnessed a 12 year old boy, Merrick Hanna,, who undoubtedly put in hours equal to any athlete to perfect his craft, dancing. i also had the privilege of watching an equally talented young lady, Darci Lynne, help a puppet come to life with a beautiful voice. Their performances were moving and the skill, as well as talent, required to deliver those performances was through the roof.
Athletics teaches kids a tremendous amount, but at some point, the means to play goes by the wayside and all that is left are trophies, rings, medals, and memories. Hopefully, lessons were learned during the journey that can be applied to life such as team work, an ability to handle pressure situations, work ethic and most importantly, an ability to enjoy the sport they’re playing. What I found to be special with the two performances I witnessed tonight was an ability to share something to a large group of people and do it in a manner where they felt comfortable and confident. I want both my children to have that same confidence when standing in front of a group of people because I know it will benefit them their entire life which is why I feel the arts is a tremendous opportunity to develop those skills while developing the creative side of their brain. Children are involved in so many things and i continue to be amazed at their capabilities. Whether it’s hitting a homerun, kicking a goal or singing & dancing, their commitments to improving are amazing and they should be commended. Needless to say, it is my opinion that young people today are better at almost everything than I was as a kid, in part due to the opportunities available. Everything is relative and there are those that may disagree, but the proof is in the pudding and kids today are doing some amazing things.
So, if you’re an athlete or a thespian, break a leg kids and keep amazing us old people.