What’s the PLAN B?

I’m a dad to a young athlete who has recently graduated from high school and he’s all in on playing the sport he loves for as long as he can. Having finished his freshman year of college, he’s as committed as ever and only God knows what will happen.
During the last couple of years, I’m often asked, “What’s his Plan B?” I’ve heard this term thousands of times in my life and it makes common sense to me, why wouldn’t someone have a backup plan should their primary plan not work out? However, it hits home differently now after seeing a young person commit themself to do all they can to see a dream come true. I almost feel as if having a Plan B provides an out or a crutch should Plan A not pan out. Regardless if you’re an athlete, entrepreneur, or whatever it is you want to be, being “ALL IN” may mean not having a Plan B and that’s ok in my opinion. There is plenty of time for education, finding other jobs, etc., but doing what you love and giving everything you have to see your dreams become reality, that’s the special stuff. Far too many people have worked to make dreams happen and sometimes they do, but many times they don’t for a myriad of reasons. This life experience has reminded me, do what you love, work hard, and things will work out. If that dream fails to become reality, it’s ok, there is much to be said about the lessons learned from failures. But, leaving everything on the court, field, boardroom, etc, knowing you did all you could to make that one dream a reality is far easier to stomach than quitting the dream because the Plan B is easier to obtain or might already be there waiting.
Support those who Bet on Themselves to become their best self, it’s not easy and for those who accomplish this feat, they deserve all the credit and success that comes their way.