Multiple Kids, Multiple Sports, How Do You Make It Happen?

couple“You’re taking, Sue to basketball and volleyball on Tuesday & Thursday.  I’ve got Joe for baseball and soccer on Monday & Wednesday.  I’ve got an appointment on Thursday, who can we get to run Sue to her softball practice?”

SwingTec Swing Trainer

Conversations like this usually occur on Sunday prior to the start of the school week.  As parents of multiple kids in multiple sports, you may ask yourself the question, “HOW ARE WE GONG TO DO THIS?”  The good news is, you’re not alone, families across the country are asking this question regularly.  Over the years, I’ve grown accustomed to understanding there isn’t a correct answer.  You hope for rain on occasion  and just do the best you can.  Communicating with the various coaches, helping them to understand you may be stretched thin, may help to reduce the stress of making every practice or game and goes in line with understanding the expectations of the coach and team prior to joining (DISCUSSED IN THIS PREVIOUS POST).

Tips to help make your crazy schedule less crazy

  • Utilize a calendar tool like GOOGLE CALENDAR that helps you organize your kids’ sports and activities schedule.
  • Embrace your crockpot! Traveling to and from multiple practices does make dinner a challenge and can get quite expensive if fast food is the restaurant du jour.  Think ahead and have dinner waiting on your when you get home if possible.  Click here for quick and easy meal ideas.
  • Take your homework on the road with you.  Given kids are so busy, homework can be a challenge if you wait until you get home.  Every minute counts, take advantage of it and take your  homework in the car so you’re not up until the wee hours of the night.
  • Carpool.  Find other teammates you might be able to trade rides with.

At the end of the day, it’s not easy to pull off, however, there are ways to make all the activities and practices happen.  Take it one day at a time.  Good luck!
Cool new way to show your team spirit!

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