Navigating NIL with Morgan Frazier from Student Athlete NIL

The first summit of its kind, providing student-athletes with an opportunity to have a one-stop shop for all things related to NIL embarks on Atlanta, GA, June 13-15. Morgan Frazier with Student Athlete NIL took some time to share insight around NIL and how Student Athlete NIL is gearing up to provide student-athletes a chance to improve their NIL skill set at the NIL Summit in areas such as:
-Social Media Marketing
-Brand Management
-Influencer Marketing
-Career Development
-Wealth Building and much more…

Morgan was a successful gymnast at the University of Florida and is no stranger to the challenges presented to college athletes. Morgan provided several interesting nuggets in our conversation, but one that I felt was most interesting revolved around finding the right fit, for both the athlete as well as the brand. When NIL began, it was a mad dash to the bank and both brands and athletes were testing the waters to see what did and did not work. The idea around aligning yourself with a brand whose values match up with a student-athlete’s sounds like common sense, however, we have to remember there’s a lot of money being thrown around and sometimes the alignment didn’t happen as intended. Let’s not forget, these are still young adults who are doing their best to do what they think is right.
We will speak with Morgan on a regular basis gearing up for the NIL Summit this summer. College Coaches & Administrators, make sure to nominate your athletes who you fill would benefit from the knowledge shared at the summit. This is an invite-only event and only 1,000 attendees will be accepted.