“Hi, my name is Jake, what’s yours?” said the catcher to the umpire. “I’m John,” replied the ump. “Nice to meet you, I’m going to ….
Category: Uncategorized
I can’t speak to what it must feel like to lose a child. For parents that have been through such a terrible misfortune, I ….
College & Professional Baseball has leveraged High School Showcases as an opportunity to assess a large quantity of players in a short amount of time. ….
There are travel ball parents across the country that can be put into two categories. Those that wish the best for the entire team, even ….
I’m going political and religious in this article, proceed with caution. As I watched the beginning of a 13U soccer match this past weekend, I ….
OK, I’m a bit of a technology nerd who enjoys taking pictures during games so my family can look back many years from now and ….
This beautiful facility in the Wisconsin Dells has a lot to offer, take a look at the video review!
Fortunate to have the opportunity to interview Jay Sorg, former player & coach at the NCAA Div-1 and Professional levels. Click here to watch the ….
Preparing to leave for softball practice, my daughter secretly tells her mother, “Dad’s just going to play on his phone the whole time.” Upon this ….
As I drove past an old tobacco warehouse in downtown Durham, NC, during the summer of 2002, in search for a place to grab lunch, I approached a man ….